We take pride in delivering high-quality exterior cleaning services to homeowners across Kent and beyond. From roofs and gutters to patios and driveways, Kent Property Cleaning is here to ensure your property always looks its best.
Whether you are searching for gutter cleaning or roof cleaning in Kent, we’ve got you covered.
A clean roof not only enhances the curb appeal of your home but also prevents long-term damage caused by moss, algae, and debris. Our roof cleaning service is tailored to safely remove these elements, protecting your roof’s structural integrity.
Restore the beauty of your outdoor spaces with our expert driveway and patio cleaning services. We specialise in removing stains, dirt, and grime, making your surfaces look like new. Our high-pressure cleaning techniques ensure thorough results while protecting the surface.
Blocked gutters can lead to costly property damage if not addressed promptly. Based in Sheerness, our gutter cleaning service ensures your gutters are free-flowing and effectively diverting water away from your home.
Our trusted exterior cleaning company in Isle of Sheppey, we use advanced techniques and equipment to provide safe, effective, and long-lasting results.
We prioritise environmentally safe methods that protect your home and the planet.
Our trained professionals use high-grade equipment to ensure every job is completed to the highest standard.
With years of experience, we have built a reputation for reliability, quality, and exceptional customer service.
Our cleaners are based in the Isle of Sheppey. From Tunbridge Wells to West Malling, we cover the whole of Kent and beyond. If you’re unsure if we serve your area, simply get in touch – we’re happy to help.
For tougher cleaning jobs, we have a range of high-powered cleaning solutions and equipment. This includes rust remover, paint stripper, graffiti remover, concrete and grout cleaner, and surface restorers. We also offer various sealers, including water-based, acrylic, and tarmac sealers, to protect your surfaces and maintain their original beauty.
Absolutely. We use eco-friendly and non-abrasive cleaning techniques to ensure effective results without damaging your property.
We recommend cleaning your roof and gutters at least once a year to prevent damage and maintain your property’s appearance and functionality.
Yes, our high-pressure cleaning techniques are designed to remove even the toughest stains, dirt, and grime from driveways and patios.
Make your home stand out with our comprehensive exterior house cleaning services. From fascias and soffits to walls and windows, we use eco-friendly cleaning solutions to deliver exceptional results. Get in touch with our team to protect your Kent property and boost its value with our professional care.
Kent Property Cleaning Ltd, registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company
number: 13322894.
Kent Property Cleaning, 2 Elm Lane, Minster On Sea, Sheerness, England, ME12 3SQ
Registered Company Address: 2 Elm Lane, Minster On Sea, Sheerness, England, ME12 3SQ.
07392 007579